Best Tribal Tattoos Ever

Best Tribal Tattoos Ever
Best Tribal Tattoos Ever

Here are your choices for where on your body to get your tribal tattoo design.

1. Upper Arms.

The arms are a good spot for a tribal. Usually you will want to focus on your upper arm/deltoid shoulder area and then work down from there. With upper arms you have the option of having your tribal extend all the way down the arm, to the forearm or even wrist. Or you can have it extend into your neck/shoulder or back. Or, you can simply keep your design isolated to the upper arm with the option for later possibly extending it. You can also have your tribal design done around the arm, such as a tribal armband.

2. Back.

The back has such massive space that it makes it an ideal canvas for tribals. Again you have the option of going large or small. You usually want to start in the upper back and go from there. Think twice if you are a guy about starting with a lower back tribal tattoo. This is a common design which many women get.

3. Calves.

The calves are actually a pretty strong area for tribals. You can extend down to the ankles or add more to it later. You can go all the way around the calve similar to an armband tribal. If you don't want your upper body done with heavy tribal work, or if you simply don't have room up there because of existing ink, then consider the calves to have your tribal design done on.

Best Tribal Tattoos Ever
Best Tribal Tattoos Ever

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